Basketball Workouts

Improve Your Game

Improve Your Shooting Vertical Using This Odd Drill

In my previous post we discussed a basketball workout for jump shooting the basketball. With this next exercise, the jump shot will become a habit rather than something that requires reminding.

Any shooting games can be played for this exercise, and the one mentioned in my previous post (step in/step out) works well. Around the world is also excellent.

Remember BEEEF with every shot – three E’s, not two! Many people know the BEEF acronym, so adding the extra E emphasizes jump shooting.

Balance – knees and hips bent, feet either equal or dominant foot slightly forward

Elbow – tucked into your side and bent to 90 degrees

Eyes – looking at a part of the hoop. I prefer the back of the rim as long shots are better than short ones

Elevation – coming up out of your stance ready to shoot

Follow through – lock that elbow and snap that wrist!


Start low in a shooting stance, as if ready to spring up for a shot. Explode out of your stance ready to shoot the basketball, and make sure the basketball rises above your head. However, don’t shoot yet! Land back down on the floor in stance, then jump up again as if to shoot. After landing a second time, THEN go up to shoot the ball.


This can be tough work but an important workout for your back and shoulder muscles. Three jumps instead of one really gets the body into a habit of jumping when shooting.

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