Basketball Workouts

Improve Your Game

Developing Quick Reflexes

Being able to catch the basketball with quick reflexes is a vital skill. In a good offence, the basketball should be passed around the court with speed, since faster passes make the defence work harder and create more shot opportunities. These basketball workouts will improve your hand skills and reflexes.

The following two are similar workouts that involve moving your arms at lightning quick pace to catch a dropped ball.

1. Start by holding the basketball between your legs. One arm holds the ball at the front, the other arm holds the ball at the back (one arm through each “opening” of the legs). Drop the ball, then quickly swap your hands over so that if your right hand was holding the front part of the ball, your left one is now, and vice versa.

2. Hold the ball in front of your body with two hands with your legs apart. Throw the ball back between your legs and catch it behind with two hands. Throw it back forwards between your legs and catch it with both hands.

These workouts should be done as fast as possible so that mistakes are made. With practice, the ball will feel light in your hand so that your fingertips just touch the ball before it is released again.

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